Tuesday, January 9, 2007

ten tons of sushi - January 6th, 2007

We made more sushi then we could ever eat; spicy tuna, tuna, california, and tempura rolls. All made with tools given to me for Christmas. We also visted Sunset Market for most of the fresh ingredients. See below for a revised list of ingredients for our second attempt.

MAKES: way too much sushi (16 rolls)

fresh tuna (.5 lbs)
shrimp (.25 lbs)
imitation crab (1 package)
flying fish roe (1 package)

cucumber (2)
avacado (2)
watercress (1 bunch)
green onion (1 bunch)
nori (1 package)
wasabi (make fresh in small quantity)

Peanut oil
tempura batter
white and black sesame seeds
rice wine vinegar
soy sauce


"unpublished world of mouth recipe for sushi rice" (courtsey of a girl who works with Christian): here we used short grain rice cooked in a $10 dollar rice cooker from Walgreens on Sutter in downtown SF. Let the rice cool for 10 min (about). Poured it out onto a sheet pan covered in foil, then C poured the traditional mixture of rice wine vinegar, sugar, and salt, while I fanned with a 39 cent fan bought in Chinatown earlier that evening.

*spicy tuna: fresh tuna, chili sauce, green onion

*crab salad: imitation crab meat, mayo, chili sauce

*tempura: tempura shrimp, cucumber, etc. (we fried some - oil needs to be hotter)

CHANGES: (fewer rolls)